Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Cork Sports Partnership in conjunction with HSE Organises Staying Fit for the Future with Better Balance Better Bones programme throughout North Cork

Cork Sports Partnership in conjunction with HSE Organises Staying Fit for the Future with Better Balance Better Bones programme throughout North Cork

Looking for a class with a difference for 2018?

Would YOU like to improve your strength & balance?

or KNOW someone that would?

The Staying Fit for the Future with Better Balance Better Bones programme returns in 2018 and will now be available in even more locations across the city & county starting next week. The venues are as follows:

Programmes are delivered by exercise professionals who have been specifically trained by HSE physiotherapists. It is suitable for adults who walk unaided & want to stay strong on their feet and falls free for life but not for those who have fallen in the past 12 months or use a walking stick or frame.

The duration of the course is 8 weeks and costs €40 which is payable at the first session. To book a place on one of the programmes listed or to find out more, please contact Kieran O’Byrne at Cork Sports Partnership on 021-4347096 or email admin@corksports.ie

To download a flyer to put in your clinic/waiting room click onhttp://www.corksports.ie/contentfiles/claire/flyer_draft3%20FINAL.pdf