Cork County Council, in association with its Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs), has announced that €1.5 million has been made available for community groups across the county. The Council is releasing monies in Phase 1 of a €3.5 million fund, with €500,000 from its own funds being put aside on a yearly basis over seven years from 2016 to 2022.
The fund, known as the Community Development Initiative, will be used to fund local community development capital projects to a minimum of €1,000 with a maximum of €25,000. The grant is 100% fully funded, there is no requirement for match funding from any group. In the case where the grant is part funding a larger project, it will be required to identify where the balance will be funded from.
North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea, in welcoming the scheme reiterated the Council’s commitment to community development undertakings which improve the prosperity of both people and places, said: “I know firsthand how important community and voluntary groups are. Not only are they an asset to their own communities but they are an asset for Cork. This fund will give further recognition for the tremendous work and commitment given by all involved. I would encourage all groups to get their applications in.”
Speaking of the initiative, Chief Executive of Cork County Council Tim Lucey highlighted how the Cork County Community Development Initiative was an example of the Council’s continuing dedication to local communities, “Through our three Local Development Committees, we are committed to improving the range and quality of community-based facilities which will assist in providing the very best quality of life offering to our citizens. The Cork County Community Development Initiative, in co-operation with the Local Development Companies, can be used to enhance facilities in communities or to kick-start, advance or complete their projects.”
Closing date for receipt of applications is 3pm Friday, 14 December 2018. Applicants will be notified, if successful, in early March with a view to having all projects completed by 30 September 2019. Application Forms and guidelines are available to download from Cork County Council website under Community Services/Local Community Development Committees/Community Development Initiative 2018.
Completed applications from the North Cork area may to be returned to: Senior Executive Officer, North Cork Municipal District Office, Cork County Council, Annabella, Mallow, Co. Cork. Applications can also be made online at For queries please contact: Local Community Development Unit, Cork County Council on 021- 4285295 or 021-4285230, or email communitydevelopmentunit