Monday 20 January 2025
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County Cork to Benefit from €25m Fund to Make Local Homes and Businesses more energy efficient – O’Shea

County Cork to Benefit from €25m Fund to Make Local Homes and Businesses more energy efficient – O’Shea

Cork is to share in €25m funding to make local homes and businesses more energy efficient, Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul has confirmed,  

Cllr. O’Shea said: “This week, my colleague the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton, has announced 57 successful applicants to the SEAI Communities grant scheme.  

“The grant funding will help deliver energy upgrades to these residential and business buildings that will lead to lower energy bills, reduced emissions and warmer, healthier homes and businesses. 

“The overall project will see upgrades to nearly 700 homes and 570 community and commercial buildings which will eliminate 34,746 tonnes of CO2 annually – this is the equivalent of taking more than 11,000 internal combustion engine cars off the road. 

“This is an important and innovative step in helping us reach our targets under the Climate Action Plan.  

Minister Bruton said: “These grants will support communities to drive projects which will deliver significant upgrades to groups of homes and businesses in their local area. Not only will these upgrades help us deliver on our climate commitments, but they will result in cleaner, healthier, warmer homes and businesses and cheaper energy bills.”