Saturday 18 January 2025
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€160,762 funding for communities in Co. Cork – O’Shea

€160,762 funding for communities in Co. Cork – O’Shea

Some €160,762 has been allocated to Cork County Council in the first tranche of the 2019 Community Enhancement Programme, North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has said.

Councillor John Paul O’Shea said: “This programme was a great success last year and I am delighted that Cork County  will benefit from it again this year.

“It gives funding to community groups across Cork to improve facilities in disadvantaged areas. Some funding will be ring-fenced for smaller projects, from lawnmowers and IT equipment to minor renovations to buildings.

“The programme also provides funding towards larger projects in disadvantaged areas. This allows it to be flexible and to respond to what is needed locally.

“Typical enhancements under the programme could include the purchase of equipment or materials, improvements to town parks and common areas and spaces, CCTV equipment and energy efficiency type projects,” North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea said.

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, said: “The CEP was launched for the first time in 2018 and I approved funding of 12.5 million euro for over 3,000 projects across the country.

“It was the result of the first significant exercise in the streamlining of schemes and programmes carried out by the Department of Rural and Community Development.

“It combined two existing schemes so that funding is now provided to improve facilities in a manner that is more flexible and responsive at a local level.

“The funding is administered locally by Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) across the country, with support from their Local Authority. Applications for funding can be made to the relevant LCDC.”