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Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Promotes Community Involvement Scheme 2018

Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Promotes Community Involvement Scheme 2018

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport has now notified Cork County Council of the arrangements that will apply for Community Involvement Schemes (CIS) in 2018. This year local authorities must apply directly to the Department for funding for the CIS, similar to a Pilot Community Involvement Scheme that was completed in 2014.

Cork County Council will only accept monetary contributions as the local contribution to the scheme and the local contribution required will be 15% of the cost of the scheme.

The following requirements will apply to the new CIS:


Local authorities will assess the condition (PSCI) of any local roads, for which they intend to apply for funds, using the Paving Rating Manual (rating range is 1 to 10 with 1 being very poor and 10 being excellent).  Where schemes are approved and proceed the “after” condition must be subsequently rated.


Local authorities will record the road length and width and the number of dwellings along the roads under consideration.


Local authorities should then estimate the overall cost of the scheme taking account of material, labour, machinery and traffic management costs. 


Taking into account the findings of points 1 to 3 above, Councils may then prioritise the roads which would be eligible under the 2018 CIS and apply to the Department for funding.

Eligible works under the CIS are as follows:

General :


providing hard stands at field entrances;


removal of grass verges or banks;


site preparation works including the removal of grass from the centre of the road (where required).

Drainage :


opening, deepening and generally maintaining drains alongside roadway and adjoining land including the laying of drainage pipes, where appropriate;


providing gully traps at suitable locations and piping to drains, where appropriate;


opening inlets;


opening backshores;


unblocking of shores/surface water drains;

Pavement Works :


repair of potholes


surface dressing works


road strengthening works i.e. Surface Restoration, Structural Overlay and  Road Reconstruction



Repair of footpaths


Construction of new footpaths

While it is envisaged that the CIS will relate to mainly local roads, they may be carried out on a regional road where the local community contribution is monetary only, as in the case of the scheme as operated by Cork County Council.

The Council is required to submit full details of schemes for which it requests funding to the Department not later than Friday 23rd March 2018 and this includes quite detailed information, as you will note above, that will take some time to prepare.  It is intended that local authorities applying for CIS funding will be advised of the outcome in April 2018.

Accordingly if you are part of a group who are requesting a road/area to be considered for funding under a Community Involvement Scheme in 2018 in the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District, please contact Jim Moloney, Senior Executive Engineer for Road Operations in the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District on 022 21123 or by email no later than Friday 9th March next.