The March meeting of the Mallow Area Roads Committee of Cork County Council will take place on Tuesday 12th March 2013 in the County Council Offices at Annabella, Mallow.
These meetings are held once a month, where the five councillors representing the Mallow Electoral Area and the Mayor of Mallow Town meet with the engineers that cover the Mallow Area Roads.
Councillors are entitled to submit a maximum of six motions in advance of the meeting on issues relating to roads and road maintenance. I always submit six!! The engineers have a written response to present at the meeting which is then discussed.
My motions for the March meeting are as follows:
“That the Area Roads Office in consultation with the Water Services Directorate repair the small section of footpath outside the entrance to 74-86 O’ Keeffe Walk which was recently damaged due to a water break in the area”.
“That the Mallow Area Office put a process in place with the Water Services Directorate in order to ensure roads and footpaths are re-instated properly once a water break has been repaired”.
“That Cork County Council undertakes remedial works of the road surface under the railway bridge at Gortroe, Lombardstown”.
“That Cork County Council repair the L-95791-13 (Mossy beds) and in particular by the bridge which is beginning to purge.”
“That Cork County Council repair potholes and open inlets on the L-95791-12 road”.
“That Cork County Council repair potholes and open and widen inlets on the road serving Dan & Ann Hayes, Greenhill, Burnfort”.