Sunday 8 September 2024
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O’Shea Welcomes Child Benefit Payment to 7,500 Cork 18-Year-Olds

O’Shea Welcomes Child Benefit Payment to 7,500 Cork 18-Year-Olds

More than 7,500 18-year-olds across County Cork are now benefitting from child benefit for the first time, following an extension of the policy, Cllr John Paul O’Shea has said. Nationally, Child Benefit has been paid in respect of almost 60,000 18-year-olds for the very first time. 

Child Benefit is now being paid to anyone who is 18 and in full-time education, or who has a disability, up until their 19th birthday. Child Benefit is paid at a rate of €140 per month.

Cllr O’Shea commented: “I am delighted to see that more than 7,500 18-year-olds and their families in County Cork are now benefitting from the government’s extension of child benefit, which is an important support for hard-working families across the county.

“This measure, which has now been successfully implemented by the Government, is making a tangible difference in the pockets of families throughout the county. Many children in County Cork are starting primary school a bit later, at age 5, and many are also doing transition year in secondary school. 

“The extension of Child Benefit to 18-year-olds in full-time education or with a disability is a long-term improvement that will support all families across County Cork into the future.”

In the case of a child who turned 18 after May 2023 and they are still in full-time education, they will be eligible again from May 2024 up to their 19th birthday.

The parent/guardian does not need to reapply if the child is in full-time education and the Department holds a current education certificate.  The payment will be reactivated from May 2024 as long as the certificate is valid and payment will continue until for as long as a valid education certificate is in place or the child turns 19, whichever comes first.

In cases where the education certificate expires prior to the 19th birthday, a new education certificate will be issued to the parent/guardian before it expires. This must be completed and returned to allow payment of Child Benefit to resume.

If the child turned 18 after May 2024, Child Benefit will automatically be extended to either the 19th birthday or the expiry date of the current certificate. The Department will be directly in contact with a parent/guardian if they need to provide an updated education certificate.