Friday 17 January 2025
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O’Shea Welcomes New Air Ambulance Service for Munster

O’Shea Welcomes New Air Ambulance Service for Munster

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has welcomed news that a new aeromedical service in the South of Ireland will be launched in the coming weeks following the signing of a Service Level Agreement between the HSE and Irish Community Rapid Response. The news was recently announced by Cllr. O’Shea’s colleague, the Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD. 

Welcoming the news, Cllr. O’Shea said he is delighted that a new aeromedical service in the South will commence shortly. He complimented the HSE National Ambulance Service and Irish Community Rapid Response for its commitment in developing this Service Level Agreement and ensuring the necessary clinical and corporate governance arrangements are such that the new service will be safe, robust and sustainable. 

“The aeromedical service will include the establishment of a charitably funded Helicopter Emergency Medical Service in the South, which will operate from Rathcoole Aerodrome, just northeast of Millstreet, and will complement the existing aeromedical services and improve aeromedical access to the South of Ireland. The service will assist with the enhancement of patient care delivery in the South of Ireland and I congratulate everyone involved in bringing this vital project to fruition.” 

Minister Harris commented: “Its introduction is in accordance with the Programme for a Partnership Government commitment to explore the feasibility of the expansion of air ambulance services, including the possibility of a second base. I am also pleased that this service will fulfil recommendations made by the National Trauma Steering Group in respect of improving aeromedical services in Ireland.  

“Looking to the future, and adopting a whole system approach to care delivery, it is clear that the National Ambulance Service will be a key enabler of Sláintecare and, in that context, it is important that we support the development of aeromedical services which will improve service efficiency and effectiveness.”