Friday 17 January 2025
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O’Shea Welcomes Plan to Introduce Flat Rate for Irish Water Connections

O’Shea Welcomes Plan to Introduce Flat Rate for Irish Water Connections

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has welcomed the Commission for Regulation of Utilities’ (CRU) plan to formalise its decision this December to introduce flat rates for Irish Water connections from March 2019. Under their plan, water connections for single units will be standardised at €2,272 and Waste Water Connections to the Public Sewage System at €3,929. 

In January 2018 the CRU, whose mission is to regulate water, energy and energy safety in the public interest, published a consultation paper on Irish Water’s Proposed Connection Charing Policy. The consultation was open for a 10-week period which closed in March. The CRU published its proposed decision in October and this remained opened until November for comment. 

The CRU say the current connection charging arrangements in Ireland are varied, complex and the charges differ greatly across the country. The purpose of establishing Irish Water’s Enduring Connection Charging Policy is to generate a more harmonised methodology of charging for connections to the public water and wastewater networks, and to ensure customers receive a consistent level of connection service, regardless of where they are connecting in the country. 

In welcoming the plan by CRU to introduce flat rates for Irish Water connections from March 2019, Cllr. O’Shea said: “The new policy will aim to improve equity and fairness because similar charges and services apply to similar customers, and, will provide clarity for all customers connecting to the network. Self-builders will be charged €2,272 for a new water connection and €3,929 for a new wastewater connection as of next March. 

“Any current applications made without payment may be entitled to a refund if higher rates were previously quoted for connections required after the implementation date. Customers should contact Irish Water after the final CRU decision this month.”