Friday 13 September 2024
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Report on Proposed Sites and Services for Cork Elective Hospital due by End of Year – O’Shea

Report on Proposed Sites and Services for Cork Elective Hospital due by End of Year – O’Shea

Work to identify potential site locations for the planned elective hospital in Cork, as well as identify what services could potentially move to the new hospital, is due to be completed by the end of the year, Fine Gael General Election Candidate in Cork North West, Councillor John Paul O’Shea, has confirmed. 

Cllr. O’Shea said: “The South/South West Health Group Board, following instruction from the Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD, has been tasked with setting up processes in relation to the identification of options for potential sites of the new elective hospital and what services could potentially move to the hospital. 

“Work has commenced in these areas with the establishment of a Project Board and Service Redesign Workstream. The HSE confirmed to me in recent days that this work is due to be completed by the end of 2019. 

“Through the National Development Plan, €10.9 billion will fund major investment projects and programmes, along with significant reform initiatives within the health sector. Included in this is plans for three new dedicated elective hospitals in Cork, Dublin and Galway. The three new facilities will provide high volume, low complexity procedures on a day and outpatient basis, together with a range of ambulatory diagnostic services. 

“The government’s aim is to both increase capacity in the hospital system and provide a better separation of scheduled and unscheduled care, in line with the recommendations of the Sláintecare Report. 

“I welcome this government’s plan, led by my colleague Minister Harris, to advance the level of healthcare in this country over the next several years, most especially the plan for a new elective hospital here in Cork. This is exciting news and I eagerly await the findings by the South/South West Health Group, to be made public in the coming months, Cllr. O’Shea added.