Friday 17 January 2025
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Staying Fit for the Future with ‘Better Balance Better Bones’ class in North Cork 

Staying Fit for the Future with ‘Better Balance Better Bones’ class in North Cork 

An eight-week physical activity programme to improve strength and balance in older adults will commence in communities across County Cork in January 2020, according to Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea. 

The ‘Staying Fit for the Future with Better Balance Better Bones’ is an eight-week physical activity programme to improve overall strength, balance and aerobic fitness of the well older-adult. It is suitable for adults who walk unaided and want to stay strong on their feet and falls free for life. 

This programme was developed by HSE Physiotherapy and Health Promotion Department in partnership with Cork Sports Partnership. Exercise tutors who have been trained in the programme deliver the classes in over 20 Community venues in Cork, starting in January.  

Cllr. O’Shea said the programme will take place in a number of North Cork locations, including: Donoughmore Sports Hall; Charleville, Mannix College; Newmarket, CYMS Hall; Dromtarriffe Community Hall; ButtevantMuintir Na Tire Hall; and Fermoy Youth Centre. 

The duration of the programme is eight week and each session is one hour in length. The cost of the programme is €40, payable at the first session. Pre-booking is essential as places are limited. 

If you are wondering if this is the programme for you, check if you can do the following simple test of balance and strength: cross your arms across your chest, then stand on one leg and close your eyes. Now stand tall and steady for 10 seconds. If you find yourself a bit wobblier than you expected, and balance isn’t “as good as it used to be”, this “Better Balance Better Bones” is the class for you.