Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Towns & Villages Urged to Apply for Cork County Council 2018 Anti-Litter Challenge

Towns & Villages Urged to Apply for Cork County Council 2018 Anti-Litter Challenge

Cork County Council is pleased to launch the 2018 Anti-Litter Competition. The annual Anti Litter Challenge showcases the energy and dedication of the local communities in Cork County, and is a prime example of what can be achieved by a partnership approach between the Council and the Community.

As local communities are the lifeblood of this competition, Cork County Council is always interested in hearing from communities who have not participated previously, or who have taken a break from the competition and would like to take part again.

This year there are even more prizes on offer to villages in order to better recognise the great work being done by smaller communities in the fight against litter.

Towns and Villages can apply online before 20th April at www.yourcouncil.ie

Judging Guidelines can be found here.

For enquiries e-mail: litterchallenge@corkcoco.ie or telephone: 021-4532700

 All entries must be submitted by Friday April 20th