Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Damhsafest 2010 comes to Mallow

The Irish International Folk Dance festival Damhsafest 2010 comes to Mallow on Friday next, 23rd July.

The festival is the only one of its kind in Ireland and it promises to bring colour, excitement and international flavour to the town for the evening.

The excitement begins at 3pm with worshops taking place in the Hibernian Hotel followed by open air displays of folk dancing at Market Square in the town from 7pm with participating groups coming from Greece, France, Belgium and the Phillipines to dance for the people of Mallow. There will also be some performances from local dancers including a children’s set dancing group from the neighbouring parish of Kilshannig.

The Mallow event has been organised by Damshafest 2010 in co-operation with the Mallow Arts Alliance Group. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the different dancing performances which are very interactive and free of charge.

For further information on DamhsaFest 2010 visit www.damhsafest.ie
Damhsafest 2010