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Disability Awareness Raising Grant Scheme 2017 

Disability Awareness Raising Grant Scheme 2017 

The Department of Justice and Equality is calling for applications for funding under its Disability Awareness Raising Grant Scheme 2017. The application and evaluation process will be administered by the National Disability Authority, on behalf of the Department. 

The aim of the scheme is to support the promotion of disability awareness in mainstream sport, physical activity and recreation. We now invite applications with proposals that will raise awareness of disability and that will demonstrate effective action to improve attitudes towards people with disabilities. Grant awards will range from €5,000 to a maximum of €40,000 per project. 

The National Disability Authority will assess applications and make recommendations to the Department on which projects should be funded. 

The Application Form and Guidance Manual for Grant Applicants 2017 can be downloaded from 

The Guidance Manual for Grant Applicants 2017 makes reference to both the conditions of the scheme, as well as the selection process and should be read as part of the application process. 

The closing time and date for receipt of completed applications is 12pm on Friday, 30th June 2017.  

Application forms should be submitted to:

Disability Awareness Raising Grant Scheme 2017, 

c/o National Disability Authority, 

25 Clyde Road, 

Dublin 4. 

D04 E409

MS Word copies should be sent to:

and marked Disability Awareness Raising Grant Scheme 2017 in the subject line.