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Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Meeting – December 2014

The December meeting of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District of Cork County Council will take place on Friday, 5th December 2014 in the County Council Offices at Annabella, Mallow.

These meetings are held once a month, where the six councillors representing the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Area meet with the engineers that cover the area.

Councillors are entitled to submit a maximum of three motions in advance of the meeting on issues relating to day to day services provided by Cork County Council, such as roads, water, housing, waste water etc… I always submit the max number of motions!! The engineers have a written response to present at the meeting which is then discussed.

My motions for the December meeting are as follows:

“That Cork County Council open inlets on the L-5337-0 (Board of Works) road and in particular clear blocked road crossings approx 700m from the Gortroe Inn, Lombardstown which is causing the entire road to flood here”.

“That the members of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District be updated on the final works on Mallow Plaza such as turning on the traffic lights and placement of planters and bollards to prevent people parking on the new infrastructure”.

“That the members of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District be updated on repair works on Clyda Bridge, Quartertown, Mallow, which is causing alot of traffic delays presently”.