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Northern Committee of Cork County Council Meeting – February 2018

Northern Committee of Cork County Council Meeting – February 2018

The February meeting of the Northern Committee of Cork County Council will take place on Monday, 19th February 2018 in the Council Offices, Anabella, Mallow, Co Cork.

These meetings are held once a month, where the twelve councillors representing the Kanturk/Mallow & Fermoy Municipal District Areas meet with the engineers that cover the area. Councillors are entitled to submit motions in advance of the meeting on issues relating to day to day services provided by Cork County Council, such as roads, water, housing, waste water etc… This month will focus on Housing. The engineers have a written response to present at the meeting which is then discussed.

My motions for the February meeting are as follows:

“That the Housing Directorate Cork County Council update member on the allocation on No; 6, 7 & 9 Corney Ring Place, Dromina & No; 1 Ashbrook, Dromina (Respond house) which have now been vacant for sometime”.

“That Cork County Council would make contact with all the financial institutions of the state and seek specific contact details of staff within these institutions whereby Council staff can engage with them on and seek clarity on ownership/interest these institutions have on these vacant/idle/abandoned properties within the County and expedite the return of these properties to the housing market as quickly as possible”.

Additional information: There are a number of properties within the North Cork area that have sadly defaulted in their mortgage and are now vacant/abandoned. In many cases, these houses have laid vacant for years and are in the hands of financial institutions.

“That the Housing Directorate of Cork County Council provide the members with a written update on the issues with the Shared Ownership Scheme and what efforts are being done with the many scheme participants who have defaulted on the scheme due to the way the scheme is structured. The report should also outline the response from the Department of Housing on how they intend to assist with dealing with this serious issue”.