Wednesday 11 September 2024
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O’Shea welcomes funding allocations for 120 agricultural shows in 2020 

O’Shea welcomes funding allocations for 120 agricultural shows in 2020 

Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea has welcomed funding of €600,000 for 120 Agricultural Shows around the country, including 5,000 each for Charleville Show, Ballyvourney-Coolea Agricultural Show and Cork Summer Show. 

The funding was announced by Cllr. O’Shea’s colleague and Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, with allocations of approximately €5,000 for 120 agricultural shows due to take place in 2020. 

The investment is being administered through the Irish Shows Association (ISA) and the recipients are all members of that Association. It is intended that the funding will help the Agricultural Shows to meet the financial challenge associated with delivering their events. 

Cllr. O’Shea commented: “Agricultural shows are a great celebration of all that is good about rural Ireland and they are an integral part of our culture. The shows provide a welcome boost for local economies and attract visitors to enjoy our rural towns and villages at their best. I especially welcome the funding allocations for Charleville, BallyvourneyCollea and the Cork Summer Show. 

“The funding will be a big boost for these shows and it is a fitting recognition of the valuable contribution they make to the economies and communities of rural Ireland. The €600,000 this government is providing for the shows builds on funding of €1.4 million which it has provided to the Agricultural Shows over the last two years.” 

Minister Ring commented: “I have seen the impact of the funding at the shows I have visited this summer.  The shows have something for everyone.  It’s not all about livestock; there is entertainment, competitions, craft fairs, cookery and other demonstrations and competitions. 

“The commitment of local volunteers makes it possible for these shows to take place year on year.  I’m delighted to be able to acknowledge the hard work, commitment and dedication that goes into every show and I’m pleased that the Irish Shows Association has once again agreed to work with my Department to administer the funding.  The Agricultural Shows are an integral part of community life in rural Ireland and I wish them continued success in the years ahead.”