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Smoke Alarm Scheme 2019 to distribute and install alarms in Cork communities – O’Shea

Smoke Alarm Scheme 2019 to distribute and install alarms in Cork communities – O’Shea

Cork County Fire Department, in conjunction with the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management (NDFEM), is to provide PPN community groups with 10-year battery operated smoke alarms for distribution and installation within elderly and vulnerable resident’s homes, North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has said. 

Cllr. O’Shea said to facilitate the installation of smoke alarms, under the Smoke Alarm Scheme 2019, the Cork County Fire Department suggest that interested groups nominate a contact who will liaise with the Fire Department on behalf of the vulnerable people in their community. 

“This Scheme is relevant to all communities where there are elderly or vulnerable people living. Smoke alarms are a vital necessity in all homes and it is welcome that the Fire Department in Cork County is looking to actively engage with communities to ensure that elderly and vulnerable people have smoke alarms fitted in their homes. 

“On average 39 people die in fires nationally in Ireland each year. Most of these deaths could been prevented if a working smoke alarm were present in the home. I would encourage members in communities across Cork to come together to ensure that smoke alarms are fitted in the homes of elderly and vulnerable people,” Cllr O’Shea said. 

To receive an application form, contact my office in Strand Street, Kanturk on 029-51363. Once complete, scan and email the application form to Your email subject should be Smoke Alarm Scheme 2019 and please address your emails to Keelin Cronin, Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer. 

Should individual PPN groups want to make contact with one of the Senior Divisional Fire Officers for further information please select a group liaison person and email Please identify the subject of all emails, be they queries or completed application forms, as ‘Smoke Alarm Scheme 2019’ and address your email to Keelin Cronin, Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer. 

Alternatively you may post your application form to your Divisional Fire Deptartment HQ: 

North Cork: Mallow Fire HQ, Limerick Road, Lackanalooha, Mallow, Cork

South Cork: Cork County Fire HQ, County Hall Campus, Cork County Council, Carrigrohane Road, Cork

East Cork: Midleton Fire Station, Market Green, Midleton, Cork

West Cork: Bantry Fire Station, Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry, Cork. 

Following assessment of applications by the Senior Fire Officer, the Fire Department will then reply to the contact named on the form to arrange the installation of the smoke alarm. Simple to read Fire Safety in the Home Leaflets and installation details will also be provided.