A ‘Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus’ open meeting will take place in Temperance Hall, Kanturk on Tuesday, October 8th from 8.30pm to 9.30pm, Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea has said.
Cllr. O’Shea said: “Anyone who is interested in becoming more involved in the development of the hospital and campus over the coming years is very welcome to attend; the aim of the meeting is to increase the public’s involvement in the development of this very important facility in the local area and to establish a ‘Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital’ Group.
“This is an exciting time for Kanturk Community Hopsital Campus, with plans by the government to carry out a major refurbishment of the healthcare facility. Earlier this year the HSE submitted a planning application to Cork County Council following a full design of the planned refurbishments last year. The hospital, when completed, will have a total of 77 beds. These plans follow funding allocations of €9.7 million for refurbishments to both Kanturk and Millstreet Community Hospital.
“Last year I hosted a visit by my colleague, Minister of State with responsibility for Older People, Jim Daly TD, to both Kanturk and Milstreet Hospitals and he was provided with a full briefing of these plans. It is very important that the general public in Kanturk and surrounding areas have a say in the hospital and its campus and, by joining the Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus group, you will be able to have your say on the future of the hospital campus.”